Castration information

Caring for your horse after they have been castrated

Following your horse’s castration please monitor the wound for any excessive bleeding, swelling or tissue protruding from the wound. The odd drips of blood over the following 12 hours can be normal, but please contact the clinic if there is any more, particularly if it is dripping fast so that you cannot count the drops.

A swelling the size of an orange is acceptable, the size of a melon is unacceptable and must be seen by a vet. If there is any tissue seen to be protruding from the wound please contact a vet immediately.

It is not necessary to clean the castration site. The site should be checked for swelling twice daily for two weeks after surgery.

Turn out is recommended. For older horses walking exercise can be resumed immediately following the surgery.  

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B&W Equine Vets
Equine Hospital
GL13 9HG

t: 01453 811 867